Thursday, August 19, 2010

Being Refreshed

Hey friends when exercising do you ever feel like you're not making progress? Well, today that is just how I felt. While riding my bike I ran out of energy and stamina three fourths around my neighborhood. I had to reach for the water bottle, slow the pedaling and coast for a minute or two. As I coasted I was wondering why I tired so easily…after all I always get tired but not so TIRED…as I was drinking my water and becoming refreshed I realized that the Lord refreshes us in just the same way. When we become too tired he lifts us up, we are able to coast and he refreshes our souls. When life becomes overwhelming with disappointments, challenges and obstacles that lead us down the path of gloom and doom God and Jesus are there. Learning to trust God & Jesus is such an easy thing to do…but like any habit we establish we must do it on a routine basis. Training ourselves in the ways of God is simply setting a time for Him and accepting His nourishment. Let us go about our days not only exercising our physical bodies but our spiritual souls…let’s become refreshed with the spiritual food that is everlasting. Psalm 116:13 I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord, With commitment we can train and live life as God planned with joy in our hearts. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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