Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Smile of God

Last night as we began our class with devotions and prayers I was touched by the ease at which each student shared their thoughts and trepidations. What a Blessing to teach in a Christian University. The environment is filled with the spirit of God and Jesus. The love and concern is shared by all and supported for each student. Love thy neighbor is very apparent. What a sad state of affairs when co-workers, teachers, or businesses feel the need to keep God out of the work place. Our lives run with direction and support when living and sharing the word of God. Throughout my years of working it has been a privilege to pray for friends and family…to ask God and Jesus to protect, heal or support for the betterment of their lives. I pray we continue to witness and share the love of God. Allow Jesus to enter our lives and to shine through us. I have a girlfriend who would say, “let us smile and keep the joy”…our friends and co-workers will wonder what we are up to. So today I continue to Smile and keep the Joy…praying God’s light is a flicker in my soul that reaches out to those I come into contact… 1 John 5:15 And if we know he hears us- what ever we ask- we know that we have what we asked of him. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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