Friday, December 31, 2010

Confront Challenges with Trust

For those of us that are blessed with family our hearts burst with pride and love. We have been given such opportunities…to watch our children grow, to share the love with extended family and see the love of God in our children. It makes me wonder how God must feel about us. He watches us grow, we share His love with our extended family and become strong in our faith. Hopefully along the way His heart bursts with pride and joy for us, His children. As we now pursue a life filled with the calling God has for each of us we are able to begin this New Year with resolutions that are easily met and completed. We are choosing to be proactive in our spiritual life and model to our families the commands of God. Life can be joyful and inspiring when walking with our Lord. We will still be challenged with the stresses of life, health problems or financial needs; however when we meet these challenges with the trust and belief in God and Jesus we are able to not only endure but rise above these tests. Psalm 112: 7-8 He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the LORD. His heart is steady; he will not be afraid. Today is a delight…no matter the situation…I pray we thank God for the day…smile and spread the good news…We are loved by a God who is generous, gracious and merciful. We have been given the precious gift of Jesus. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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