Monday, December 6, 2010

Increase by 1%

My three brothers and I all teach…we are all given the gift and blessing of lifelong learning and motivational speaking. We enjoy helping others succeed while they gain confidence about themselves. As I was thinking about how similar we all are it made me proud of our parents. They did not have the luxury of a college education, however they were amazing and motivational without all the “book learning.” They were able to inspire each of us to strive toward our potential (which is an ongoing job) and encouraged us to help others. As we prepare to do the work God has for us each day it is a blessing to thank Him for the opportunities before us. It is our time to live the life God has planned for us and to go forth with smiles, joy and confidence knowing we can do all things through Christ. As one brother stated…let’s begin each week by improving our life by work, personal relationships and devotion to God…Can you imagine what a difference we will make… 2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be yours in abundance. I pray we increase our dedication and love to God by 1% more than last week and continue our learning through Bible Studies, prayers and Christian fellowship. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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