Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Grace, Peace & Tranquility

For many shortly after Christmas Day the decorations are taken down and the tree is either put away or set outside…and as some say, “Get the house back to normal”…but for those of us who totally enjoy the wonder of Christmas and God’s blessings taking down the decorations happens around January 6th (Epiphany) and always with a sad face. The Christmas Season is a time of joy, happiness and family…why doesn’t all this goodness follow us through the year? Why is it when we “get back to normal” the ordinary days become mundane or less attractive? What is missing? God and Jesus are missing. It isn’t about decorations, music and gifts…it is about the love God has for us and the gift of Salvation. He has blessed us with life ever after…Knowing this allows us to live our lives with grace, peace and tranquility even through the tough times. So if life is a time of rushing, stress and schedules our approach to this marvelous miracle is neglected. Let’s live life with the appreciation and thankfulness of the new day; with the gift of life that goes beyond “back to normal.” I pray we are thanking God for each new day…for the miracle of Jesus…and the love we feel through the Holy Spirit. Psalm 16:8 I keep the LORD in mind always, because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. As we go through our week let us remember to praise God, Love our Lord and receive the Holy Spirit. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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