Friday, December 24, 2010

Ultimate Gift

This is the time of year that children are waiting with anticipation and excitement…they are counting the hours before that ever awaited time that begins the festivities…opening gifts, enjoying the family and remembering the birth of Christ. It makes me wonder what Mary and Joseph were thinking before the birth of their first son…God’s Son…Where they counting down the hours with anticipation and excitement…was Mary afraid and apprehensive? As any new mother it would make sense that she was somewhat apprehensive. Yet, she had the knowledge from the Angels that when her son was born He will enlighten our lives with Joy…Love…and Salvation. We can only imagine the love she felt and the honor that blessed her and Joseph. Talk about ultimate gifts…Wow! As we prepare for this very important occasion let us thank God for all we have…Share the joy with family and friends as we worship in church, read the most amazing story from the Bible and sing praises with carols. Luke 2:10-11 The Angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord. As we praise God for the ultimate gift let us raise our arms in praise and bow in prayer as we sing out our blessings. Merry Christmas Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins

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