Monday, December 13, 2010

To Serve or Be Served

When spending time with friends, sharing the responsibilities with a colleague or reading a book to a child is a gift. We are given many choices as how to live…we can be of service to others or expect others to serve us. I am perplexed by those who believe they should be placed above serving others. When talking about foot washing many years ago, I remember an acquaintance, who thought washing another’s foot was disgusting, where as many others believed it is the ultimate gift…that we would kneel to someone and wash their feet. If it wasn’t beneath Jesus how could it be anything but a joy to imitate Him. Now I am not saying we have to go around washing others feet, however we could offer help in many ways. We have so many friends and neighbors that are in need. Let us go beyond our comfort zone and reach out to those in our community. Continue helping others and show the love of God …I am inspired when I hear someone had paid for the customer behind them when paying their own bill or the friend who offered to cook, clean or drive an ailing friend to a needed destination and the friend who actually paid another’s rent and health insurance. These are all ultimate gifts and fill our soul with joy. Let’s be imitators of our dear Lord and Savior and give the ultimate gift…Love, Kindness, Compassion and Healing through prayers and deeds. As we follow the path God has plowed for us, we are blessed to offer others the richness of God and Jesus Christ. James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him. God gives each of us the skills and abilities to serve…seek His wisdom to know how to help, praise His strength as we continue to help and rejoice in His mercies for the blessings of service. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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