Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year

It is always great to have a new beginning…many times it feels fresh…hopeful and exciting after all it is the next chapter of our lives. However for some it is a continuance of struggles, challenges and health issues. Whether we are being tested or finally see blue sky we are blessed. Let us use this new beginning to renew our aspirations that improve our relationship with God and Jesus Christ. It is amazing to feel His closeness and love. As we connect through prayers and quiet conversations open your heart and hear His call. God knows the plans He has for us…let’s listen and continue to do the work He has given us to do. As we allow our relationship to grow it will increase our opportunities to serve our Lord. What a joy to be a member of the most incredible family. Psalm 97:11-12 Light shines on those who do right; joy belongs to those who are honest. Rejoice in the LORD, you who do right. Praise His holy name. Let us live by the commands of God and treat others with love, kindness and forgiveness. I pray God’s light shines through each of us as we begin this New Year. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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