Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Twists & Turns

Life can have those twists and turns that shake, disturb or raise the stress level in our lives; however it is all about trusting in God. We are going to have those days of unwanted doctor’s reports, past bills that crept upon us or a disappointing relationship. When walking with God and knowing He has our life handled and all will turn out the way it is supposed to is such a gift. We can marvel at all the negative comments of…Why did this happen to me…I don’t disserve this…or Why now… But instead of the negative let’s state the positive…All things will turn out better than before…God is in control why worry or I am in good hands therefore, I will not waste the day stressing. There is a condition we must work toward if we are negative with new or old stressors. The condition is full of love, compassion and mercy…it is called “God’s Condition”…what a joy to be diagnosed with this condition. Can you imagine how peaceful and serene our world be if we leaned on God and trusted Him? Today begin accepting “God’s Condition”…I pray we allow our Lord to lead us through the muck and mire of stressors and negativity; which brings peace and joy into our life as it seeps into our souls. No pill can duplicate the freedom and serenity we receive from God’s love. James 1:15 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. Let’s not fret over the twists and turns as God has it handled… Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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