Thursday, July 30, 2015

Children model what they see and hear...

It is always so dear when playing with a child to watch their imagination kick into high gear as we pretend play. The other day my granddaughter and I were playing with her Princess dolls and having a wonderful time. She was the Mom with a career and I was the customer.

What was so delightful was noticing how much she models what she sees in the adults around her. She was selling me doll furniture and had to "scan" the products I was buying in order to find the price. It totally surprised and tickled me as I watched her. As a store owner, my granddaughter's  tone and demeanor was confident, courteous and helpful. She was in total control of her environment...

This led me to the realization that how we live, what we model and how we respond to others is being watched and learned by our children/grandchildren. So, as Christians we want to continually put our best foot forward, which means displaying our love for the Lord in all we do and say. It is the simpler and easy example of Christian living.

Can there be a sweeter joy than to know our behaviors and speech teach our children/grandchildren the way of our Lord. Being kind, generous, compassionate or obedient demonstrates what is expected of us. Let us remember to shine for God...When we do our children/grandchildren will grow in the way of  our Lord.

Proverbs 22: 6 Start children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

We are given a precious job...raising our children to know and love God and our Lord Jesus Christ. My prayer today is we walk in the ways of God, continue to be obedient to his commands and shine for our Lord for all to see. Let us be a Christian modeling the behavior God expects...

Smiles & Blessings,
Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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