Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Lost and found

Lost and Found

 I went on a trip a couple of weeks ago, had a wonderful time, and flew home with joy in my heart after spending time with my brothers and sister-in-laws. Unfortunately when departing the plane I left my journal...What an awful feeling as my thoughts are personal and only for the Lord...

I was angry at my irresponsibility and the joy I had when flying home was gone. I called the airlines in hope they would locate it and put it in lost and found.  For two days I grumbled over the possibility of losing my journal.

Our lives can be an up and down roller coaster, and yet we find the joy through our loving Lord. I realized that losing one tiny journal was not as important as what I have in my silly to worry about a lost item and not worry about a weak faith.

I then had to reevaluate my priorities...was it a lost journal or a continued faith that brings me joy. Naturally we do not want to lose our things, however I had put too much importance to a lost prayer is we evaluate the importance of our faith rather than our possessions...

Psalm 51:10  Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. 

What a joy it is to praise God and know that we have His unconditional love...even when we lose our focus... and yes, the airline found my journal and it was in lost and found :)

Smiles & Blessings
Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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