Thursday, January 19, 2012

He Waits with Outstretched Arms

When death occurs, it is such a difficult moment as we feel the loss and sadness; however today as I learned of a dear friend’s death I knew God had answered her prayers.

She was recently diagnosed with stage 3-lung cancer. Her greatest fear was the pain of death not the death itself. She was a prayer warrior and knew the Lord had forged the path in which she would travel. What she did not know was that God laid a path of peace and grace for our dear friend and sister in Christ.

This is just one tiny miracle in our daily lives…He hears our prayers, our concerns and fears. As we trust in Him, our concerns vanish as they did with our friend. God allowed her to pass onto Him with the grace in which she lived.

Hearing about this moment of grace is only a small fraction of what God does for us. He enriches our lives with His unconditional love, we are given friendships that bring a smile to our faces and memories that touch our hearts.

As we prepare to say good-bye to this joyous friend, colleague and sister in Christ, we do so with mixed emotions. We will miss her dearly; however, I believe she will be watching over us with her smiles and prayers as she did each day.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

God’s love directed our friend’s path to an ending worthy of her love for our Lord, compassion and understanding to her colleagues and her amazing strong spirit. It was a blessing to be called her friend.

Smiles & Blessings
Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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